The applicant’s intention was to subdivide parts of their larger dairy farm, to establish four lifestyle size lots, while maintaining the balance land for agricultural purposes. The LVIA was required to assess the effects on rural character and amenity, owing to further visual fragmentation and increased residential occupation facilitated by the subdivision.
Through the LVIA process it was established that a level of landscape mitigation would be appropriate to screen the development and integrate it into the rural setting. This included hedging to the boundaries, with additional new specimen trees located within each lifestyle lot to screen and soften the visual impact of future dwellings. This ensured that future dwellings would be well screened upon maturity of proposed landscaping and the subdivision was appropriately integrated into the rural setting. Matamata Piako District Council has granted the subdivision consent, securing the outcome sought by the clients.
Rural Development
Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment
Resource Consents
Subdivision Design